How to Use 40 Days and 40 Nights
How to Access 40 Days and 40 Nights
More on Balance/Environment (Days 1-8)
More on Healing (Days 9-16)
More on Resolve (Days 17-24)
More on Transition (Days 25-32)
More on The New Way/Shining Path (Days 33-40)
40 Days and 40 Nights, Healing and Psychedelia
An Interview with the Creator of 40 Days and 40 Nights
40 Days and 40 Nights Statement of Intent
Radio Interview with the Creator of 40 Days and 40 Nights
Go to the 40 Days and 40 Nights Forum
How to Use 40 Days and 40 Nights
Although there are many ways that you can use these tonal processes, my suggestion is that you first use this system in the following way to initiate its intended alchemy, familiarize yourself with the tracks and begin the process:
1) Listen to the tracks in order.
2) Listen to only one track per day.
3) Listen to each track once in the morning when you wake up, and again before you go to sleep. This will take approximately 8 minutes each time.
4) The next day, go to the next track, etc., for a total of 40 days and 40 nights.
I also recommend that during the first 8 days, you leave the track of the day to repeat continuously at your home when you’re not there. This is because the first 8 processes also work with balancing your environment.
After your 40 days and 40 nights are complete, I encourage you to repeat this process during significant times in your life and at the solstices. I also encourage you to use this palette of 40 tonal journeys in a variety of creative ways once you’ve gone through the full adventure.
How to Access 40 Days and 40 Nights
- Click on any of the titles below.
- You'll access each section of 40 Days and 40 Nights individually in the order Environment, Healing, Resolve, Transition and Shining Path. Just click Buy Album for each section.
- You can also access each day individually if you prefer. Each day goes in order beginning with Environment 1 (Day 1), Environment 2 (Day 2), etc. If you want clarity on the order of the tracks, see the listing below.
- Allow for sufficient time to download iTunes (if you don’t already have it) and the tracks themselves.
Listen to 40 Days and 40 Nights in the following order:
Days 1-8
Days 9-16
Days 17-24
Days 25-32
Days 33-40
The New Way
(Shining Path)
In other words, follow this sequence:
Days 1-8
Day 1/ Night 1
(Environment 1)
Day 2/ Night 2
(Environment 2)
Day 3/ Night 3
(Environment 3)
Day 4/ Night 4
(Environment 4)
Day 5/ Night 5
(Environment 5)
Day 6/ Night 6
(Environment 6)
Day 7/ Night 7
(Environment 7)
Day 8/ Night 8
(Environment 8)
Days 9-16
Day 9/ Night 9
(Healing 1)
Day 10/ Night 10
(Healing 2)
Day 11/ Night 11
(Healing 3)
Day 12/ Night 12
(Healing 4)
Day 13/ Night 13
(Healing 5)
Day 14/ Night 14
(Healing 6)
Day 15/ Night 15
(Healing 7)
Day 16/ Night 16
(Healing 8)
Days 17-24
Day 17/ Night 17
(Resolve 1)
Day 18/ Night 18
(Resolve 2)
Day 19/ Night 19
(Resolve 3)
Day 20/ Night 20
(Resolve 4)
Day 21/ Night 21
(Resolve 5)
Day 22/ Night 22
(Resolve 6)
Day 23/ Night 23
(Resolve 7)
Day 24/ Night 24
(Resolve 8)
Days 25-32
Day 25/ Night 25
(Transition 1)
Day 26/ Night 26
(Transition 2)
Day 27/ Night 27
(Transition 3)
Day 28/ Night 28
(Transition 4)
Day 29/ Night 29
(Transition 5)
Day 30/ Night 30
(Transition 6)
Day 31/ Night 31
(Transition 7)
Day 32/ Night 32
(Transition 8)
Days 33-40
The New Way
(Shining Path)
Day 33/ Night 33
(Shining Path 1)
Day 34/ Night 34
(Shining Path 2)
Day 35/ Night 35
(Shining Path 3)
Day 36/ Night 36
(Shining Path 4)
Day 37/ Night 37
(Shining Path 5)
Day 38/ Night 38
(Shining Path 6)
Day 39/ Night 39
(Shining Path 7)
Day 40/ Night 40
(Shining Path 8)
40 Days and 40 Nights contains no subliminal messages.
40 Days and 40 Nights
A Healing Adventure Using the Power of Sound
Access 40 Days and 40 Nights
More on Balance/Environment
(Days 1-8)
"Environment... created a feeling of expansion in my home that felt very good."
- Bill Hall, Magical Blend Magazine
“I'm listening to Day 1 Environment and it is indescribably beautiful. I can feel the energy in a very obvious way.”
- Susan L., San Geronimo Valley, California
In ancient times, the sciences of Feng Shui and geomancy were developed as methods for people to work and harmonize with the energies of their environment for their health, prosperity and spiritual development.
We now live in a time where we've created a radical necessity to resurrect these ancient sciences in our personal lives to heal our environment and ourselves.
Environment is a sound ceremony. It’s acoustic Feng Shui. You can use it as a musical tool for geomancy in your home or office. Its tonal sequences nourish the natural balance of any environment while dispelling unwanted influences.
In other words, Environment is an easy way to bring the benefits of Feng Shui and geomancy into your life.Environment is a powerful tool designed to play while you're present or while you’re away from your home or office to purify, balance and harmonize your space with healing sound.
Environment can help you heal your living and work environments…
You might want to use Environment if you have a living or work space that…
- is in an area of high electromagnetic, communication cell, radio and/or?microwave activity.
- is in a large city.
- is close to a major street, road or freeway.
- contains computers, TVs or other electronic?equipment.
- is frequently used for any activities such as intense?thinking and/or discussions, retail sales or other business activities.
- is a medical, dental, psychiatric office or any other kind of medical or alternative medical office, including hospitals and hospices.
- where pets are left unattended.
- contains any plants.
- is or has been the location of traumatic and/or illegal?events.
- just doesn't feel quite right.
Here are some quotes from participants in Environment
"My office feels so pulled together, organized and ready for action when I use Environment. It clears away the cobwebs and creates an open space to do my work." -Elizabeth Du Par, Lawyer, San Francisco, California
"As soon as I began playing Environment, my orchids that I thought were dead started to grow."
- Mary Picker, Walnut Creek, California
"I bought Environment, not quite knowing if it would work. Being a Feng Shui practitioner I was open to receiving its benefits. It worked. The places in my house that I had been unable to correct with traditional techniques were set in order. I now play the Environment each time I leave my home. My cats love it too."
- Mary Johnston, San Francisco, California
"I put on Environment every time I leave my home. It's so powerful and so effective at cleaning the energy, it's unbelievable." - Rita Van Prater, Seminar Leader, Phoenix, Arizona
"At the end of every day to wind down I play Environment in the house. I find it puts me in a place of deep relaxation."
- Roger Dumm, Bookkeeper, Santa Rosa, California
- Carla Tavares Berman, Director for the Gathering for Ecoculture, Sausalito, California
"My house is so much more balanced."
- Rochelle, Hair colorist, San Francisco, CA
"Even though I was one of the creators of Environment, I must admit that the results I have seen in using it have far exceeded my wildest expectations. Since beginning to play it every night when I leave my acupuncture office I have noticed that a hibiscus plant has been in perpetual bloom for the last seven months. My client load has substantially increased, people go out of their way to mention how good the office feels, and the number of instantaneous or spontaneous healings that used to occur infrequently are now a matter of routine. I would recommend its use for any healing practitioner or business."
- John Mini, Acupuncturist, Sausalito, California
40 Days and 40 Nights
A Healing Adventure Using the Power of Sound
Access Balance/Environment
(Days 1-8)
Here are some reviews of Balance/Environment
Review of Environment
Bill Hall, Magical Blend, Issue #60, 1998
Feng Shui is the practice of applying ancient sciences to harmonize with the energies of one's work or living environment. Environment presents an acoustic approach to Feng Shui. It is designed to play either while you are present or while you are away from your office or home. Just as one might use worship or meditation to balance energies in a living space, this tool helps establish a healthful feeling. Physicists are showing that matter can in part be described in terms of the energy waves more commonly associated with sound. In the same way, this very mellow and ambient collection created a feeling of expansion in my home that felt very good.
Review of Environment
Chuck Diliberto, Awareness Magazine, Los Angeles, California
I have to admit I was in awe and somewhat dumbfounded at the reality premise offered by "Vulcan' Child." We are presented with the understanding that the "music uses the principles of vibrational medicine to cultivate your own innate natural balance."
In Environment the music is an "Acoustic Feng Shui," designed to heal your living and work environments through the creation of an organic natural balance. We are informed that we need not listen to the music, turn it on, leave the room and the task at hand will be performed.
First, it is best to describe the music. Keyboards and synthesizers are used to create familiar tones and sounds. It is not as much as what is being played, but how the music is being played. There are a series of notes played in subtly changing rhythmic patterns with intermittent pauses between the series of notes. these patterns create the "vibrational medicine" mentioned above.
Secondly, I listened to the music to get an idea in which direction it was going. It was then that I began to feel energy move around me. It was a most peculiar sensation, as if the invisible were beginning to separate, move and lift. I decided to leave the room and allow Environment to do its cleansing.
When I returned there was a noticeable difference, as if what was once out of place was now in place. I periodically returned to my room to sense if the room vibration somehow returned to its previous state. There was no looking back, the vibrational frequency of my room had been changed.
"Vulcan's Child" is in a class of its own. Environment is a fascinating, if not truly wonderful reality in holistic living. You have to try this for yourself, the results will truly surprise you.
Review of Environment
Manuel Monte of The Alternative Music Magazine
The album, Environment, by Vulcan's Child is composed utilizing a special computer program called Concorus, which is used to take the natural abstract rhythms of the sequence of genetic DNA to intelligible musical forms. The result is a short melody of notes that is repeated and reflects these rhythms, shown as it is, with no concessions to performance, except for the use of a varied selection of instruments in every piece. [Manuel didn’t get this right, but it’s part of the perception.] The result of this work of research supposes a series of albums with healing applications, not only to listen to but also to utilize in a practical way in health activities. Even if in the beginning the music provokes a certain feeling of rejection, its continued use is what, provokes the expected effects.
Days 1-8
Access Balance/Environment (Days 1-8)
Day 1/ Night 1
(Environment 1)
Day 2/ Night 2
(Environment 2)
Day 3/ Night 3
(Environment 3)
Day 4/ Night 4
(Environment 4)
Day 5/ Night 5
(Environment 5)
Day 6/ Night 6
(Environment 6)
Day 7/ Night 7
(Environment 7)
Day 8/ Night 8
(Environment 8)
40 Days and 40 Nights contains no subliminal messages.
40 Days and 40 Nights
A Healing Adventure Using the Power of Sound
Access Balance/Environment
More on Healing (Days 9-16)
"I felt tingles all over my body and my neck spontaneously adjusted. This music is very cool and it works."
- Bill Fuhrer, Health News
Heal yourself naturally...
Healing is vibrational medicine for your body, mind and spirit. It's designed to evoke a natural healing response in you when you listen to it. These unique ascending chord progressions take you through waves of specific sound patterns to assist you in achieving a more balanced and harmonious state of well-being.
Healing was developed by using precise instruments, frequencies, ratios and chord progressions. Healing uses these progressions to bring you into a deep and resonant healing state. You can play tracks individually, as you need them, or allow them to play in the background while you go about your daily tasks. You can even play them while watching TV or listening to other music.
You might want to use Healing if you...
- have any kind of acute or chronic illness.
- suffer from any kind of painful condition.
- want to enhance your immune system.
- want to be stronger and healthier than you?are now.
- meditate and want to have more expansive,?profound, healing and insightful mediations.
- are involved in serious martial arts or athletic?training and want to become a stronger and better martial artist or athlete.
- are interested in vibrational medicines.
- want to explore your own health and?healing.
- do Tai Chi, Chi Gung or Yoga and want to develop your art.
40 Days and 40 Nights
A Healing Adventure Using the Power of Sound
Access Healing (Days 9-16)
Here’s an excerpt from a review of Healing
"This life promoting music is based on the natural ratios of information contained within DNA structure and incorporates principles of vibrational medicine, sound healing and acupuncture meridian theory... In its minimalistic cascade of notes, each sound is designed to create catalytic perceptions. If Pythagoras had played a synthesizer, he would have probably sounded something like this. This unusual sound, which includes some gentle dissonance sound... should be listened to as sound healing rather than as 'music' in the traditional sense." - Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine
Here are some quotes from participants in Healing:
"The tonal vibrations of Environment are soothing and pleasant, while Healing rocks the foundation of unhealth. Through its sound waveforms, it instigates deep heeling and profoundly affects us."
- Rev. Cathie Fronda, Los Angeles, California
"It's music that comes in through your pores, it's so body friendly, like good food for the soul."
- Jeri, San Rafael, California
"My cats respond to Healing by curling up around the stereo speakers as if they are being nourished by the music somehow, or that they have found a place of profound comfort and security. This music is so unique and interesting. I've never heard anything like it."
- Dr. Marisya Brzyski, Chiropractor, San Francisco, California
"I loved Healing so much I played it for a day and a half straight."
- Barbara Cady, Kingwood, TX
"Some of the tracks on Healing generate sounds which create a stimulus that interpenetrates particular rigidities, loosening the lynch pins maintaining them so reorganization becomes available. Other tracks feel like a broader field of subtle vibration that has the effect of unifying certain levels of organization in my structure - where a rigid structure has dissolved or there is disorganization, the Healing sound track absorbs, or I perceive being absorbed into the sound. I experience the sounds as the effects of a multidimensional tuning fork that creates precise vibrations which allow the most subtle particles of my structure to align to whatever degree their current fluidity allows. I experience a ceasing of mental activity (in the usual way) and an altering of perceptions."
- Janice, Nevada City, CA
40 Days and 40 Nights
A Healing Adventure Using the Power of Sound
Access Healing (Days 9-16)
Here are some more reviews of Healing…
Review of Healing
Gwen Hart, New Music Magazine
When I began listening to Healing I was first shocked by the simplistic nature of the seemingly repeating chords, but the unusual instrumentation, arrangement and structure the music was based on, DNA sequences and Acupuncture meridian theory, intrigued me, so I continued to listen. I began wondering what was going on. I felt pulled into a deep trance-like state which when the first track ended and I had a chance to take a breath, I realized that the headache that I had started with was gone. Track two began and I became agitated and different parts of my body reacted with twitching and pain, I wanted to turn it off, yet I had promised to listen. My emotions went up and down with the music and I remembered that when true healing occurs that we are not always happy in the process, in fact it can be rather painful, so I continued listening.
Tracks three and four took me into very deep meditation. The discord of the sound, unresolving sounds and long pauses in space carried me into the depths of my soul, and made me wonder why a band would create this kind of music. But now I wanted to experience this as deeply as possible, curious that once I started listening I didn't want to stop and I wanted to know what I would feel like when it was done.
The fifth track began and it lifted me out of the depths and track six took me to a very high vibration, ecstatic, and yet deep and grounded at the same time. The sweetness of the bells and singing sounds on this track created a harmonious flow. I was beginning to like the music. Then track seven, loud and rumbling brining me solidly into my body, and completing with the tingling brightness of track eight. When the "opera" of sound was complete I felt relaxed and somehow more in touch with myself and nature. The apparent discord and repeatedness of the music had some how magically created harmony and balance in me. And yet like in chanting (Tibetan monk chanting can also be a shock to listen to, until one gets used to it), drumming and the ocean all bring you into a state of balance through repetitive sounds. This music is hauntingly beautiful in its simplicity.
Afterwards, walking around and going about my day, I noticed I was in a very nice altered state where everything appeared sharper and more coherent. And for many hours the effect continued. I felt how everything works and flows in relationship to everything else. This was truly an unexpected gift. I believe that this music could truly heal.
Review of Healing by Vulcan's Child
Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine
The first thing one should do before listening to an album by Vulcan's Child is open the window, then toss out any preconceived ideas about music, harmony, melody, structure, etc. This "biotrophic" or life-promoting music is actually based on the natural ratios of information contained within DNA structure and incorporates principles of vibrational medicine, sound healing, and acupuncture meridian theory. In its minimalistic cascade of notes, each sound is designed to create a catalytic perception. If Pythagoras had played a synthesizer, he would have probably sounded something like this. This unusual sound, which includes some gentle dissonance, may take a few moments to get used to; it should be listened to as sound healing rather than as "music" in the traditional sense. A number of other releases in this series are also available, including Environment, which is intended as a form of aural Feng Shui for creating room resonance. The name Vulcan's Child seems appropriate - one could easily imagine Star Trek's resident Vulcan, Mr. Spock, enjoying this music in a state of deep meditation.
Review of Healing by Vulcan's Child
PJ Birosik of Musik International in Colorado, Review syndicated in magazines nation-wide
Healing: This ambient music is based on DNA patterns, using plucked strings, electronic soundwaves and mathematical formulae to lead on to a deeper state of healing resonance. Eight tracks can be custom programmed to create the most supportive sequence at any given time, with particularly attractive pieces repeated for maximum result. Deliberately non-melodic, the biotrophic sounds are perceived not only through one's ears, but through the other senses and internal organs as well.
40 Days and 40 Nights
A Healing Adventure Using the Power of Sound
Access Healing (Days 9-16)
(Days 9-16)
Day 9/ Night 9
(Healing 1)
Day 10/ Night 10
(Healing 2)
Day 11/ Night 11
(Healing 3)
Day 12/ Night 12
(Healing 4)
Day 13/ Night 13
(Healing 5)
Day 14/ Night 14
(Healing 6)
Day 15/ Night 15
(Healing 7)
Day 16/ Night 16
(Healing 8)
40 Days and 40 Nights contains no subliminal messages.
40 Days and 40 Nights
A Healing Adventure Using the Power of Sound
Access Healing (Days 9-16)
More on Resolve
(Days 17-24)
"I am blown away at the potential for change and growth that Resolve has to offer. This is for real."
- Chuck Diliberto, Awareness Magazine
You can use Resolve to help you heal and resolve those issues in your life that hold you back, those things that you've never been able to understand or figure out, things that bother you, annoy you and keep you down.
You can go to a new level of deep healing. These tonal sequences are designed to sonically move you into resolving issues, conflicts and disharmonious patterns. Let this vibrational music help you to recognize and change the patterns in your life that keep you from achieving what you really can achieve.
Sometimes the hardest part of making change in our lives can be very subtle. Our own thoughts and feelings can keep us from really doing what we want and achieving our dreams and goals. Beyond that, there are numerous other factors that extend far beyond our ability to comprehend that nevertheless influence and bind our lives. This music, played in the background at your home or office, offers you a way to easily begin to transform these subtle patterns.
Resolve can help you resolve and transform your past and change what's unconsciously inhibiting you now.
You might want to use Resolve if you…
- are chronically unhappy with your life or a?situation in your life.
- are not doing exactly what you want to do with your life.
- feel like you just can't get ahead of things?financially, emotionally or mentally.
- have been in long-term therapy and your issues aren't resolving.
- harbor long-term resentment, frustration, grief,?worry, hate, sadness, fear or anger.
- feel stuck or trapped in your life.
- have an eating disorder.
- want to be free from your past and free from?anything holding you back from being the best you can be.
- have had a difficult childhood and/or a challenging family background.
- have been raped or abused.
- you or someone you know is or appears to be possessed.
- have fixed or rigid beliefs.
- suffer from chronic negativity.
- feel that people are out to get you.
- feel paranoid.
- feel you may have been cursed.
- are addicted to drugs, alcohol or smoking.
40 Days and 40 Nights
A Healing Adventure Using the Power of Sound
Access Resolve (Days 17-24)
Here are some quotes from participants in Resolve:
"The mind wonders, 'Where have I heard this before?' The body says, 'I know this by heart." When I first heard Resolve, I was reminded of the Hubble space telescope's pictures of suns being born. The sensations and colors elicited by this music are just that encompassing and compelling. It's a place where micro and macro meet and resonate."
- Tony Kilbert, San Francisco, California
"Resolve is the unconditional remedy."
- John Mini, Acupuncturist, Sausalito, California
"Our business was having employee problems and cash flow problems and my son and his new wife were having problems. We played Resolve at home and work and within just a few weeks, the problem employees left, cash flow increased and all relationship problems resolved. Thank you."
- Family in Los Angeles, California
"I have been playing Resolve in my office for many days now to help me move forward to expanding my company. The company is now going public and everything is happening so smoothly. I know Resolve helped in the process."
- George Larson, Sausalito, California
"When I have a hard time getting started on a project or am having reservations or fear about doing something new, I will play Resolve. Always within just a few minutes I understand what is holding me back and then I can move forward."
- Suzanne, Graphic & Web Designer, Mill Valley, California
Here are some reviews of Resolve
Review of Resolve
By Chuck Diliberto, of Awareness Magazine, Los Angeles, California
In a world where you don't always get what you paid for, expectations are self-planted land mines, and the incessant hyping of minutiae where everything sounds too good to be real and has left us confused and empty - where to turn for truth and value... there is Vulcan's Child.
I previously reviewed Vulcan's Child Environment and I was amazed at the confidence they had in their product. I am still thoroughly in awe at the results. In Resolve the confidence is immutable. This product is guaranteed to effect changes that will greatly enhance the positive aspects of our lives. Where do I sign up?
From the first series of notes played on synthesizers. I began to feel energy shifts in my chakras (psychic energy centers correspondent with areas of your body) My body literally began to vibrate. It started at my feet and began to move upward. I soon felt a natural meditative state seat itself within me, yet the sensations in my body were prominent and profound. I was being lowered into a trans-dimensional washing machine. I was passing into an experiential phase, there was plenty of room for a major catharsis. This was not your average soul cleansing.
I had to stop the music in order to finish this article. I am precisely blown away at the potential for change and growth that Resolve has to offer. This is for real. I am not the authority on Vulcan's Child, its research or its effectiveness. I can only state from experience, there is an underlying reality in the syncopation of the music that affects our central nervous systems. What you do with this energy being released is your own Resolve in life. I'm excited about this opportunity to explore a product that stands by its claims. I openly advise all adventuresome souls to locate Resolve. I would be interested in some feedback from others who have shared this experience.
Access Resolve
Days 17-24
Day 17/ Night 17
(Resolve 1)
Day 18/ Night 18
(Resolve 2)
Day 19/ Night 19
(Resolve 3)
Day 20/ Night 20
(Resolve 4)
Day 21/ Night 21
(Resolve 5)
Day 22/ Night 22
(Resolve 6)
Day 23/ Night 23
(Resolve 7)
Day 24/ Night 24
(Resolve 8)
40 Days and 40 Nights contains no subliminal messages.
40 Days and 40 Nights
A Healing Adventure Using the Power of Sound
Access Resolve (Days 17-24)
More on Transition
(Days 25-32)
Move through life’s transitions with grace, ease and speed…
Each of us reaches sooner or later a place or time where we make decisions that will change the course of our lives forever. The vibrational music of Transition is designed to assist you through these times of transition.
Whatever phase of change you're in, before, during or after, pick a song you’re attracted to, for whatever reason, and listen to it deeply, repeatedly and subtly in the background of your life as you go through these changes.
Transition was specifically designed for you to listen to at the very edge of audibility - so softly that you may not be able to distinguish the boundaries between the music and the ambient sound in your listening environment. This softness, subtlety and blending creates an ideal field for your transition to root, grow and blossom into who you are becoming.
Listen, and let Transition move you…
You can use Transition if you or someone you know:
- is in a period of intense and/or uncomfortable change.
- is moving.
- has too much to do.
- feels overwhelmed.
- is dying. Play Transition before, during and after death.
- is going to be born. Play Transition before, during and after the birth.
- is breaking up a relationship.
- has suffered financial loss.
- is grieving in any way for any reason.
- is in shock from a traumatic event.
- needs to complete a project or relationship.
- whose feelings have been hurt.
- has fears, phobias, nervousness or obsessions.
Access Transition
(Days 25-32)

Day 25/ Night 25
(Transition 1)
Day 26/ Night 26
(Transition 2)
Day 27/ Night 27
(Transition 3)
Day 28/ Night 28
(Transition 4)
Day 29/ Night 29
(Transition 5)
Day 30/ Night 30
(Transition 6)
Day 31/ Night 31
(Transition 7)
Day 32/ Night 32
(Transition 8)
40 Days and 40 Nights contains no subliminal messages.
40 Days and 40 Nights
A Healing Adventure Using the Power of Sound
Access Transition (Days 25-32)
More on The New Way/ Shining Path
(Days 33-40)
Shining Path is the final stage of 40 Days and 40 Nights. It helps you to do things in new and improved ways and bring fresh, positive energies into your life.
You may want to use The New Way/ Shining Path if you:
- Have integrated yourself and are ready for something new.
- Want to bring more creativity into your life.
- Want to discover a new purpose or get more on purpose.
- Want to move in new directions.
- Are content with your life.
- Are searching for something new.
- Are bored.
- Want to feel more grateful for what you have.
- Want to deepen and enjoy your experience of life.
- Do a spiritual, athletic or artistic practice in a serious way and are ready to go to new levels.
- Are ready to give in new ways.
- Believe there’s something more.
- Want to explore the potentials of who you are and who you can be.
- Want to integrate with others of like mind.
- Are ready for serious adventure.
- Want to make a contribution to life.
Access The New Way(Shining Path)
Days 33-40
Day 33/ Night 33
(Shining Path 1)
Day 34/ Night 34
(Shining Path 2)
Day 35/ Night 35
(Shining Path 3)
Day 36/ Night 36
(Shining Path 4)
Day 37/ Night 37
(Shining Path 5)
Day 38/ Night 38
(Shining Path 6)
Day 39/ Night 39
(Shining Path 7)
Day 40/ Night 40
(Shining Path 8)
40 Days and 40 Nights contains no subliminal messages.
40 Days and 40 Nights
A Healing Adventure Using the Power of Sound
Access The New Way/ Shining Path
(Days 33-40)
40 Days and 40 Nights, Healing and Psychedelia
Although I emphatically recommend staying away from the use of drugs, we've had so many people call, write and email to us that they've had (or are in the process of having) incredible experiences listening to 40 Days and 40 Nights while using psychedelic drugs, that I feel obliged to address this issue with sincerity.
This is a seminal topic of our times and relates deeply to healing.
Civilized cultures of all times have included experiences of going into alternate realities as a vital and essential element of maturing and creating a sense of wisdom, wonder and intelligence in the developing personality.
These traditional cultures have a profound respect for and connection with these alternate realities. This connection forms the very root of their everyday existence. It imbues their personal lives with a sense of meaning, purpose and integration with infinity.
Unlike our own modern culture, however, these traditional situations also have deep cultural crucibles and rituals that contain and protect them. This includes medicine men and women of great experience and ability who are able to skillfully and respectfully assist these journeyers through alternate dimensions of reality so that everyone in the community benefits from the journey and no one is harmed.
One of the purposes of the Medicine Man or Woman is to keep the journeyer connected with the greater forces of who they really are. They keep them in tune with the organic reality of the universe. They keep the journey purposeful and continually evolving in a positive direction for everybody concerned.
Although there’s no substitute for the guiding hand of wisdom, it is understandable that people are having positive experiences listening to 40 Days and 40 Nights while undergoing these types of journeys. Each track and section of 40 Days and 40 Nights is designed to take you through a specific series of vibrational events and experiences that helps you to be more enriched, aware and positively connected with the universe. In essence, the people who are having these experiences really ‘get’ what 40 Days and 40 Nights is all about. I thank them for having the courage to do what they do and to share their experiences with us.
If we are to undergo such journeys, it is always beneficial to be respectful and understanding of ourselves and the familial, societal, cultural, global and universal contexts in which we live. Seek out those of wisdom, and seek wisdom within.
40 Days and 40 Nights contains no subliminal messages.
40 Days and 40 Nights
A Healing Adventure Using the Power of Sound
Access 40 Days and 40 Nights
Excerpt From an Interview with John Mini, M.S.C.M/ L. Ac.
Developer of Concorus and Spokesperson for 40 Days and 40 Nights.
Interviewer: I understand that you are the spokesperson for 40 Days and 40 Nights, a music group who uses the Concorus technology in the creation of their music. I'd like to know more about 40 Days and 40 Nights.
JM: I originally met some of the members of 40 Days and 40 Nights through my acupuncture practice. They’re musicians. We’d frequently talk about the healing nature of sound versus the hideous directions that popular music has been taking. We wondered why the two couldn’t somehow come together. When I showed them some of the early Concorus prototypes, they got really excited. But they slammed me for being an elitist pig.
Interviewer: Why?
JM: For creating a theoretical music of the future that could only be played by a computer! Can you imagine that in the mid-Nineties that’s where artists’ minds were at? They argued that my idea not only totally precluded musicians, but also anybody who couldn't afford or didn't want to own a computer. Shows you how fast personal computing has penetrated our culture, huh?
Interviewer: Totally. It’s easy to forget where we all were not so long ago.
JM: Yes. I agreed with their criticisms, but parried with the fact that I'm a purist, and that I really liked the fact that Concorus is totally different every time you use it, unlike a CD or an album- remember those?- which, once recorded, remains unchanged no matter how much you play it. They agreed, and we squabbled over these and other issues for some months until they finally asked me the question that conceived 40 Days and 40 Nights: they asked me one day, "What if there were some issues or concepts that were so deep and archetypal that they could be addressed, expressed and benefited by a linear musical form because they would need to be repeated? After all,” they said, "it's the listener who’s changing any way, and repetition, like any ritual, can deepen the levels of meaning, understanding and impact the composition creates…"
So 40 Days and 40 Nights was born. I actually met them halfway with their proposition, because in my research and experimentation I had already found several patterns or sound progressions that did just what they were talking about.
Interviewer: What were they?
JM: They were five principle patterns that came out of the mathematics of what I was working on. These patterns were so deep and important that I wanted to explore them in precisely the way these experts were talking about. Those patterns related to balance, healing, resolving, transitioning and creating a new way in life. Taken together, they form an excellent model for constructive change.
Interviewer: Why is 40 Days and 40 Nights' music so unusual?
JM: 40 Days and 40 Nights is exceptionally rare in that every note, every second and tick of sound and silence in it is highly intentional. It’s all aimed at stimulating a healing response and evoking a natural balance in the listener.
What makes 40 Days and 40 Nights very different from expressive music is its technique. Each track is an organic opera that uses the inner mathematics of DNA-based sequencing patterns. These patterns are meticulously designed to address each specific issue. Because we used Concorus' algorithmic structures to compose 40 Days and 40 Nights, it doesn't have any familiar genre or mood associated with it. We got some very surprising results. We went into a process of creating an entirely new style of what we called biotrophic or prozooid music, that is, music that promotes life and moves itself and the listeners in the direction of an intrinsic life giving principle. Which one do you like better?
Interviewer: I don’t know…
JM: Yeah, they’re both sciencey, but it’s all we could come up with at the time. It’s interesting to note that in many traditional cultures, the only people who were allowed to create public art were those who were considered to be great bastions of spiritual balance and harmony. It was understood that the emanations of the art that these masters created would benefit the community as a positive influence. Sometimes that influence would last for many generations. This trend is quite evident in Asian art. The masterpieces of ancient Africa still teem with the pure resonance of their profound original intentions. Buddhist art is based on the repeated reflection of a number of geometric ratios of perfection, as were the works of the early Europeans.
We seem to take the opposite viewpoint in our modern culture. Here we see that most popular art is created as an expression of someone’s personal sickness or psychosis. It's not absurd to wonder how this might affect those who are exposed to it.
40 Days and 40 Nights is attempting to reverse or a least alter the trend of public externalization of pathological art by creating unique expressions of wholeness and beauty through this music. In 1997 we released two CDs. The first, Environment, was designed not necessarily to listen to, but to play while you’re away from a space so it can be purified and rejuvenated. The second was Healing, which stimulates the listener to go into a deeply primal and resonant healing state. The third CD, Resolve, was released in September of 1998. Resolve evokes the resolution of ungraspable subconscious issues, discomforts and conflicts. We’ve found since then that many people find that working with these issues in this way provides them with a more significant source of enjoyment and satisfaction than listening to expressive music.
Interviewer: Hey, what’s wrong with listening to some dude screaming about his Jones for suicide and getting laid?
JM: I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it, per se, particularly if you do it in the spirit of catharsis. That way you empower Mr. Dude to embody his or her dark process for the collective. Then the rest of us can move on with our lives in a better way. That’s the classical collective function of catharsis. It’s a healing tool for the community.
I’m in no way opposed to the rich darkness of our human psychology. Believe me, there's some material on those tracks in 40 Days and 40 Nights that can make love and light types drop a pantload. I believe in going into and through those darker aspects of ourselves, embracing them and using that force to heal ourselves and the world.
Interviewer: Why is it so important for people to listen to 40 Days and 40 Nights?
John: Many people find 40 Days and 40 Nights to be odd or uncomfortable to listen to at first. Then they start liking it. After a while, when they listen other kinds of music they feel like it’s harming or irritating them. Then they really like 40 Days and 40 Nights. That’s because it becomes so clear how nourishing and positive this kind of music is. Which would you rather do, self-destruct or self-promote?
Interviewer: Let me think about that for a while…
John: OK. A lot of music creates a kind of hypnosis of familiarity that deadens our senses like a narcotic. 40 Days and 40 Nights is absolutely qualitatively different than that. Its natural flowing motions evoke an alertness and whole brain activity that most people experience as a very pleasant altered state. They find that they can access more, rather than less, of themselves. I think it’s the better of the two options.
As an alternative physician, I’m tremendously respectful of the healing space that 40 Days and 40 Nights creates. We’ve done a lot of testing on this material over the last ten years. I believe the Healing tracks can be clinically proven to be as effective as any alternative healing modality. That’s a very, very radical possibility.
Interviewer: I’m ready for it.
John: You’re not alone.
40 Days and 40 Nights
A Healing Adventure Using the Power of Sound
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40 Days and 40 Nights Statement of Intent
40 Days and 40 Nights was born out of a desire to assist a powerful yet restrained aspect of our world's society through the great process of life we're all engaged in. There’s a natural force alive in the world that seems invisible and ungraspable, yet it produces tangible and beneficial effects over time. 40 Days and 40 Nights actively supports transparent exponents of this collective impulse. It sponsors and makes real the substance of integrity. It's a subtle cultivation, an alignment of minds, an accumulation of strength and connections poised and ready to give as a point of simple helpfulness.
40 Days and 40 Nights was born as an emanation of a steady creative influence. It is an even, radiant fire. It follows and rediscovers an active principle that passes this fire on to those who want it. This work is intended to be a peaceful beacon: grounded, cooperative, receptive and progressive.
Inner truths forge themselves into worldly action through vehicles of creative joy and deep stillness. The purifying fire self-motivates and expands. It initiates what we all know needs to happen.
There's a patient, developing movement that’s come into the world with heartfelt honesty. It multiplies the wisdom gained through experience and flows around the hard spots. It’s based on the power of sincerity, gently preferring to work behind the scenes, softly letting every situation bring us all closer together. 40 Days and 40 Nights is young and adaptive. It encourages discarding frivolity and letting go of illusory stimuli.
Strengthen the spine.
Within this fullness rests a positive and electric force.
Inertia dislodges.
Somnambulancy awakens.
Spring unfolds.
40 Days and 40 Nights contains no subliminal messages.
40 Days and 40 Nights
A Healing Adventure Using the Power of Sound
Access 40 Days and 40 Nights
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